Stan McClain ran for and was elected to a seat in the Florida House of Representatives in District 23 . Details…
Since he failed to stand up for his constituents and take action to make sure Wild Waters is preserved for the Families and Children of Marion County Florida, he’s doesn’t deserve ANYONE’S vote.
Here’s the details and facts…
Marion County Florida Commissioner Stan McClain is a member of the Silver Springs Advisory Group who supports eliminating Wild Waters.
On May 6, 2014, a member of the Save Wild Waters Group took the “Save Wild Waters” petition to the Marion County Commissioners (all are Republicans) and asked them to make sure Wild Waters was preserved for citizens in Florida. They were also asked to put a referendum on the ballot so the people of Marion County Florida could vote on keeping Wild Waters.
The request to make sure Wild Waters was preserved and the request to put a referendum on the ballot so citizens could vote on keeping Wild Waters was ignored.
Marion County Commissioners failure to allow a vote violated Democracy.
The Star Banner article “Wild Waters days are numbered” stated “County Commissioner Stan McClain, a member of the task force and the commission’s main champion for refocusing the facility toward ecotourism as a way to help the springs and create jobs, said the plan has provided a framework for accomplishing the county’s objectives“.
That statement indicates that Mr. McClain represented the wishes of 5 people, the Marion County Commissioners, not the citizens of Marion County. Claiming these plans represent the “county’s objectives” is a false claim. The petition signed by over 3,000 people proves the people of Marion County do not support Marion County Commissioners plans.
Also, eliminating Wild Waters cost 60 jobs.
In June, 2014, a member of the Save Wild Waters Group asked Mr. McClain in a letter, in view of the fact that over 3,000 people signed a petition to save Wild Waters if he would change his mind about supporting plans to have Wild Waters demolished in 3 – 5 years.
Mr. McClain stated that he would not support any plans which include saving Wild Waters stating cost to taxpayers as a reason. That proves that he was not representing citizen’s wishes as a member of the Silver Springs Advisory Group.
The statement McClain made regarding cost to taxpayers is an invalid excuse because “taxpayers” signed the petition and stated they want Wild Waters to be preserved.
Above is a typical comment about Wild Waters found on the Silver Springs facebook page. Click here to view more comments.
As mentioned in the Star Banner article “Wild Waters days are numbered”, the proposed changes to Silver Springs would run between $15 million and $20 million, so if there’s that kind of money available for Silver Springs, then there is plenty of money available to restore and preserve Wild Waters.
It seems that Mr. McClain has no problem spending tax payers money as long as it’s being spent the way he and Marion County Commissioners want.
Mr. Stan McClain failed to represent citizens wishes as a member of the Silver Springs Advisory Group and as a Marion County Commissioner.
Mr. Stan McClain and Marion County Commissioners are paid to do what the taxpayers who pays their salaries want them to do, not cram what they want down people’s throat.
Their failure to allow a vote is an affront to democracy.
Since the State of Florida took over Silver Springs park, we have suffered a considerable downgrade in services and entertainment. They eliminated the small zoo, the animal shows, rides like the safari ride, boat rides, kids attractions and more. As a result, there is barely anything left worth going to Silver Springs to see.
Eliminating attractions from Silver Springs and “refocusing the facility toward ecotourism” is NOT what Florida citizens want. We already of TONS parks and trails. This is example of the poor planning and management within the Florida Park System and Marion County Commissioner’s who support such a plan.
What to tell Stan McClain what you think? Here’s his Florida House of Representatives contact page;
Stan McClain – 2016 – 2018 ( Speaker Corcoran )
Biographical Information City of Residence: Ocala Occupation: State Certified Residential Contractor Spouse: Jessica E.
McClain on TWITTER: @StanMcClain #StanMcClain
McClain has proven he don’t know what “serving” the public is all about and should not hold ANY public office.
Here’s complaint comments posted by other people about McClain regarding other issues –
A letter was sent to each Marion County Commissioner in December 2014 asking them to stand up for the people in Marion County and make sure Wild Waters was preserved. They ALL chose to ignore the letter.
Voting for McClain or any of the Marion County Commissioners is essentially condoning and rewarding their failure to serve their constituents.
This isn’t about politics, this is about Democracy and Marion County Commissioners failure to stand up for the citizens they are supposed to represent.
(All received a copy of the petition. Ignored request to preserve Wild Waters and ignored request to allow citizens to vote on keeping Wild Waters)
Mr. David Moore
Marion County Commissioner
601 S.E. 25th Ave.
Ocala, FL 34471
Email David Moore
Ms. Kathy Bryant
Marion County Commissioner
601 S.E. 25th Ave.
Ocala, FL 34471
Email Kathy Bryant
Mr. Carl Zalak
Marion County Commissioner
601 S.E. 25th Ave.
Ocala, FL 34471
Email Carl Zalak
Mr. Earl Arnett
Marion County Commissioner
601 S.E. 25th Ave.
Ocala, FL 34471
Email Earl Arnett
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Ocala Post – More Marion County Corruption And Greed Is Raising Eyebrows
Ocala, Florida – The fifth best place to live in the nation, horse capital of the world and best place to raise a family are just a few ways Marion County used to be described.
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