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Marion County FL Commissioners Wanted Swimming in the Springs but NOT Wild Waters

Marion FL County Commissioners want Swimming at Silver Springs but refused to listen to their constituents about preserving & rebuilding Wild Waters.


Take the plunge

‘Being able to get in the water is huge.’

The above article was originally titled: “Could Legislation Restore Swimming at Silver Springs?

The article states ‘Commissioner Carl Zalak doesn’t just want to ask the state Department of Environmental Protection, which runs the park, for permission. He wants a Marion County lawmaker to file a local bill that actually requires the state to allow swimming in Silver Springs’.

On April 3, 2014, the Ocala Star Banner posted an article titled, ‘Wild Waters Days are Numbered‘ which stated that plans to reintroduce swimming in the main spring ‘would make the Water Park obsolete‘.

That is a ridiculous statement and demonstrates how totally out of touch with reality those are who support such plans. They live in the PAST and want to force the rest of us to live like people did over 100 years ago.

Swimming in the main spring will NEVER be a substitute for our Water Park.


2 alligators captured in one week after incidents at Alexander Springs

Two alligators have been captured in under a week following several incidents at Alexander Springs in Ocala National Forest, prompting another closure of the popular swimming spot.

Per the above article published July 18, 2023: “2 alligators captured in one week after incidents at Alexander Springs. A 7.5-foot alligator was responsible for biting a man who was snorkeling in a designated swimming area”.  

This is an example of why swimming in Silver Springs is a BAD idea. Everyone who’s taken boat rides at Silver Springs has likely seen alligators or snakes in the Springs on logs or near the edge of the water.

Below is just one page of comments from the ‘Save Wild Waters’ Facebook page with comments from Marion County Florida Constituents stating they did not want swimming in the springs and instead wanted Wild Waters preserved.


You can view more comments and the petitions at https://wildwatersocala.com/petition/

The 2014 ‘Save Wild Waters’ petition received almost 4,000 signatures and the ‘Rebuild Wild Waters’ petition started in 2019 has received over 12,000 signatures.

Links to both petitions can be accessed here; https://wildwatersocala.com/petition/

Every member of the Marion County Commissioners, the Ocala City Council and Florida Park Service were notified about BOTH petitions and ALL chose to ignore the voice of the people they’re supposed to serve.

According to an article by the Star Banner Newspaper from Aug 26, 2018 titled, “Diving in and going big”, the Marion County Commissions seemed prepared to spend 23 million dollars for a new Aquatic Center THEY wanted.

Since it appears the Marion County Commissioners had the ability to come up with 23 Million Dollars, they should have taken action to have Wild Waters restored or re-built. It would have been a lot less expensive to fix up the Water Park we had, which so many people loved.

In the closing sentence of the 2019 petition, it states; ‘please sign this petition and tell the Marion County Commissioners you want Wild Waters Re-Built. Here’s a link to their contact page; https://www.marionfl.org/our-county/board-of-county-commissioners

Someone should demand the Marion County Commissioners release ALL of the messages they received from people who personally wrote to them, demanding they take action to have Wild Waters rebuilt. It would seem they should be required by law to retain all of the messages they received and it would seem they should be required by law to release all of the messages if someone requests their release (per documents production laws).

With over 12,000 signatures, they likely received quite a few messages. This would further prove how these Commissioners ignore their constituents when it’s about issues they PERSONALLY aren’t interested in and don’t want to move forward.

Marion County Commissioners proved they could CARE LESS what the people they are supposed to be serving want. But if it’s something they personally want… like ‘Swimming in the Springs’, they’ll to do whatever it takes to get it.

We are supposed to have a Government which is ‘Of the people, for the people and by the people’. It’s clear that the Florida Park Service, members of the Marion County Commissioners and Ocala City Council have no respect for such Democratic principles.

ALL should be voted out and removed from office.


The above video shows how the Florida Park Service only cared what THEY wanted. The same is true for all Florida Politicians / Officials who chose to ignore the voice of the people they’re supposed to represent and serve.

The Ocala Star Banner is also partly to blame for us losing Wild Waters because they failed to call out and expose Florida Politicians / Officials for ignoring their constituents. IMO, they proved to be a Florida Officials ASS KISSING Newspaper which ditto’s and sings the praises of Florida Officials while failing to stand up for the Citizens of Central Florida. Examples include their articles; “Wild Waters Days are Numbered’ and ‘Diving in and going big’.  Both sings the praises of Florida Official’s plans while failing to point out how they ignored the wishes of the public.

To my knowledge, the Ocala Star Banner didn’t even print a story about the most recent petition in 2019 which received over 12,000 signatures demanding Wild Waters be rebuilt. 

There’s  tons of issues raised in the article on this site titled “Why Wild Waters in Silver Springs FL was Closed” which the Ocala Star Banner has failed to report. 12,000 signatures demanding Wild Waters be rebuilt which was ignored by local politicians should have been newsworthy, but not a peep out of the Ocala Star Banner… in lock step with the Marion County Commissioners and Ocala City Council which ignored the petitions.

News Blackout? Afraid to step of the toes of local politicians & State Officials? Apathy for ‘Average Joe Citizens’?  ‘Pro Business / Politicians Slanted Newspaper’?  Seems that way to me.

I will be speaking out about this matter for as long as I live, or until Wild Waters is Rebuilt as it was, only better.


Creator of Save Wild Waters and Rebuild Wild Waters petitions



P.S.  Why don’t I publish my last name? I have no interest in notoriety or holding public office. This is about principles… standing up for families and the over 12,000 people who signed both petitions. Calling out unfit Government Officials who behave like autocrat authoritarians who ignore their constituents. Also, newspapers and the news media should hold Public Officials accountable, not kiss their asses and ‘Sing their Praises’.

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